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The time of day in a sentence

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Sentence count:46+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2018-11-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: time of dayat this time of dayat the time oftime of departuretake time offtime offestimated time of arrivaltime of life
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1. Traffic congestion fluctuates according to the time of day.
2. The streets were peculiarly quiet for the time of day.
3. I was just passing the time of day with her.
4. People like to pass the time of day with neighbours.
5. Just passed the time of day.
6. He passed the time of day with Two Coats the tramp.
7. The clock did a lot more besides telling the time of day.
8. She and Mungo had already passed the time of day with him.
9. He jumps off waterfalls to pass the time of day.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
10. The weather affects them, the time of day, the ambient noise.
11. A wall clock will tell you the time of day but not its manufactured brethren.
12. We often pass the time of day each other.
13. They can't even say "good morning" or pass the time of day.
14. Do you think I don't even know the time of day?
15. Circadian cancer biology: Does the time of day we treat matter?
16. He's been here long enough to know the time of day .
17. He is a man who knows the time of day.
18. She stopped by just to pass the time of day.
19. What about short-term commitments simply to pass the time of day with people occupying common space with you?
20. People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day.
21. We had an argument with our neighbours[], and now they won't even give us the time of day.
22. The tolls, which varied with the level of congestion and the time of day, were displayed on road-side signs.
23. A sealed hotplate with concealed ignition and an automatic oven timer with the time of day clock.
24. I heard you at it so I thought I'd pop in and pass the time of day.
25. Clayt called to him as though to tell him the time of day.
26. He knew most of the men who used the line and passed the time of day with them.
27. In a good Irish pub, or public house, you won't know the time of day from the light in the place.
28. They met at the corner and paused to pass the time of day.
29. To understand the weather difference between the main cities in the world and the weather function of passing the time of day. ...the phatic ...
30. "After my first two trips, I realised that I had not seen blue sky once," Kander says. "The sky in the pictures goes from a yellowy warm to a steely grey depending on the time of day.
More similar words: time of dayat this time of dayat the time oftime of departuretake time offtime offestimated time of arrivaltime of lifetime of yearthe timetime of arrivalof the timeall the timeby the timesome time or othermany's the timehalf the timebreak of daygo with the timesbehind the timesfor the time beingnumber of dayswhen the time comesthree times a daymove with the timesabreast of the timestime outtime-outtimeouttime over
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